The Art of Business Storytelling

 Creating powerful presentations

Why this course is needed


We are always surprised at how few people know how to predictably produce high-quality, professional-grade presentations. From corporate professionals to startup founders, to students and everyone in-between, most Powerpoint presentations don't look good.

What's more, the quality of thought contained in those presentations isn't good either. People don't take the time to understand what it is they are actually trying to communicate, don't pause to reflect on their audience, or take a step back and see if the presentation is overloaded with one type of arguments and light on other, more critical ones.

We've produced our fair share of low-quality presentations in the past. And it wasn't a great feeling to realise all the mistakes you made in the middle of your  meeting. We wished there was a way to get ourselves mentored, and to know what the right approach was. But there wasn't.

That's why we decided to make this course. It is what we wished existed when we first started out in the presentation-making game over a decade ago. And now anyone, regardless of where they work and live, can benefit from what we learned, painfully and meticulously, over the years. Delivered in a concise way so you don't have to spend hours (let alone years) to see the forest and disregard the trees.


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Main features of our course

10-step methodology

You can apply the entire process or just the small bits of advice in each step. And you can use the learnings starting today, especially if you are working on a presentation now.


90-minute course

The course is a distillation and synthesis of our knowledge. We could have made a longer course, but we took the time and made a shorter, punchier one instead.


10+ years in MBB and PE

The experience we are sharing was painstakingly gained presentation by presentation, iteratively learning what works and what doesn't in producing quality materials.


Great value for money

Costs the same as taking us out to dinner to share our experience with you, minus the awkward small talk and the risk of ordering too many drinks if the discussion gets lively.


What's Included in this course

10-Step Methodology

If you're struggling to produce high-quality presentations at work, or are just curious about the concepts that MBB or PE professionals use while working on their materials, this course is for you.

The methodology is broken down into 10 separate steps, with explanation, tips and illustrating anecdotes, so you can follow along our thinking process and know what to keep in mind for each step.

Bonus 1: A 'from/to' walk-through

A review of a real-world example, where a pitch deck was prepared to be shared with (and presented to) prospective investors in an app-based startup.

We will do a complete make-over of the presentation, explain our logic for all the required changes, and point out which parts of the TABS methodology would have helped to avoid making those mistakes.

Bonus 2: Common Types of Slides

We go over the small handful of slides that - when used competently - can cover 90% of your presentation-making needs. We describe how these slides should be used, and what to do to make them 'pop'.

There are, of course, many more other types of slides out there, which you could also use. But we've found that it's better to 'practice one move 1,000 times, than know about 1,000 different moves.' If you think like us, you will enjoy this section.

Bonus 3: Powerpoint Templates

To get you started on your newly revamped presentation-making journey, we've created a Powerpoint pack that contains the most often-used slides that we cover in the course.

You can grab the pack and edit any slide that you like to best suit your specific needs. All slides come pre-formatted and show what they should look like in their final form, using 'dummy' information.

Note: ThinkCell add-in required.

Bonus 4: TABS Community

As part of the TABS course, you also receive access to our exclusive TABS community. This community is a place where you can ask your specific questions and get answers and advice from both the coaches and your peer students.

You can also review and study all the other topics that other students raised previously, and learn 'by osmosis' that way. With your active participation, this community might become an equally as valuable a source of learning for you as the course itself.

Our Story and 'Why'

We are former senior MBB and PE professionals, who started our journeys at the very beginning of the ladder as junior analysts, and had to learn the ropes the traditional way through 'doing' and apprenticeship.

As we progressed through the ranks, we systematised our approaches and developed methodologies that made us successful. We also used these methodologies to teach our junior team members the same skills and knowledge that we gained, so they too could perform to the best of their natural ability.

Now that we are out of the corporate hamster-wheel, we've had the time to put our thoughts onto (virtual) 'paper,' and convert our knowledge into this course. This course is what we wished we had access to when we were first starting out, as it would have made our professional journeys more streamlined and less painful.

We hope that you enjoy this course and are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions for making it even better. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)