About Dextrius

We've benefitted from some incredible learning experiences in our corporate careers. Our mission is to make these same learning experiences available more broadly.


Who We Are


We are former corporate professionals, who came up through the ranks at some of the most prestigious institutions in the world. In doing so, we learned some extremely valuable skills, which are relevant no matter what industry you are working in.

After more than a decade of building corporate careers, we decided it was time to move on and do something else with our lives. So we started Dextrius, where we can bring high-quality, easy-to-consume corporate education to a broader audience.

Our Story


We've been lucky to attend some of the most incredible corporate training programs out there. The ones where you can't stop smiling because of the value you are getting and how well the information is presented to you. There was magic in those training programs. And they ended up being some of the biggest highlights of our careers.

We asked ourselves why only some companies provide corporate education this way. Why can't it be that more professionals can benefit from incredible training programs, regardless of who they are working for. And that's how the idea for Dextrius was born.

Our Why


We aim to bring high-quality professional training programs to more people. We enjoy helping aspiring professionals improve their knowledge and skills, so they can perform better at work, get more opportunities, and grow faster in their fields. We believe this also helps ambitious people live more fulfilled lives.

We were those young, aspiring professionals ourselves not that long ago. So we know what it feels like when you have a steady hand that guides you through your professional development journey. Dextrius is what we wish was available to us back in the day. But because it wasn't, we thought we might as well bring it to existence ourselves.